Fostering and adoption statistical bulletin 2023/24

The number of foster care households and of approved adoptions in Scotland has continued to decrease, according to a new report by the Care Inspectorate.

The report, Fostering and adoption 2023/24, published today, Tuesday 10 September, provides insight into the operation of fostering, adoption and continuing care services in Scotland over the past five years. At 31 December 2023, there were just over 11,000 care services registered with the Care Inspectorate, including 38 adoption and 58 fostering services provided by the local authority and the voluntary/not-for-profit sectors.

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Care Home Improvement Programme (CHIP) - cohort one flash report

Between April and August of this year, the Care Inspectorate successfully completed the first cohort of the Care Home Improvement Programme (CHIP). This programme supports care home staff in implementing quality improvement initiatives to enhance the quality of care for residents.

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ASPire Hub launched

The ASPire Hub is a place for everyone working in Adult Support and Protection in Scotland to access and share resources. Find out more here.

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Picture of someone massaging an old persons hand

Using technology to assess and manage pain. Apply to join our trial today.

PainChek is an app-based solution which uses facial recognition technology and artificial intelligence to measure pain in adults that can’t reliably self-report their pain.  

We are asking interested services to join the trial and contribute important evidence to inform the future of this emerging technology in Scotland.

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Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

If you believe that you have suffered abuse in a residential childcare setting, you can contact the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry and share your experiences.

Contact the Inquiry’s witness support team to let them know if you are interested in talking about your experiences. 

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