Care Inspectorate statement on Cradlehall Care Home, Inverness
A spokesperson for the Care Inspectorate said: “An inspection has identified serious and significant concerns about the quality of care experienced by residents at Cradlehall Care Home in Inverness.
“We understand this is a difficult and distressing time for residents, their loved ones and staff at the home.
“However, our first priority is always the health and wellbeing of residents.
“Because of our concerns about the safety and wellbeing of residents we have submitted an application to the sheriff court seeking cancellation of the care home’s registration.
"This could allow new care arrangements to be put in place for residents of the home.
“We are working closely with our partners including NHS Highland to ensure that residents experience appropriate care that meets their needs during this difficult time."
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Overview report on national child death data published
The Scottish Government commissioned Healthcare Improvement Scotland, in collaboration with the Care Inspectorate, to establish the National Hub for Reviewing and Learning from the Deaths of Children and Young People (National Hub). Using evidence to deliver change, the National Hub ultimately aims to help reduce preventable deaths and harm to children and young people.
The first data overview report, which summarises national child death data from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023, has now been published. It includes an overview of learning to date from child death reviews carried out by NHS boards, local authorities, health and social care partnerships, and partnerships with responsibility for reviewing child deaths, from the start of National Hub data collection on 1 October 2021.
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Annual returns are now closed
This year’s annual returns have now closed.
We would like to thank everyone who submitted their annual return to us by the deadline, Sunday 17 March 2024. The information you have provided will help us plan, inform and carry out our inspections and improvement work.
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Join us on our digital transformation journey
Sign up today to get involved in our engagement events
The Care Inspectorate’s vision is for world-class social care and social work in Scotland, where everyone, in every community, experiences high-quality care, support and learning, tailored to their rights, needs and wishes.
To support our vision, our digital strategy aims to deliver more modern, accessible and efficient ways of working. Updating our legacy systems with current technology will support the delivery of day-to-day services and allow us to be more effective and efficient.
Our primary goal is to replace our manual processes with easy-to-use processes, to improve collaboration between the Care Inspectorate and the social care sector. This digital transformation will provide social care professionals and those who experience care with a secure platform to access, update, and share important information with the Care Inspectorate.
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Launch of quality framework for justice (offender) accommodation services
We have published the new quality framework for Justice (offender) accommodation services. It reflects Scotland’s Health and Social Care Standards, which are rights-based, person-led and outcome-focused.
The primary purpose of the framework is to support services to self-evaluate their own performance. It will also be used by our inspectors to provide independent assurance about the quality of care and support. By setting out what we expect to see in high-quality care and support provision, it can help support improvement too.
You can download the framework here.
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