We are pleased to announce the overarching principles for the new National Care Standards were signed off by Shona Robison MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport in February 2016 (Overarching Principles). We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their contribution and support during the development of the principles.

These principles apply to all health and social care services in Scotland. They were developed following significant engagement over the past two years with people who use, provide and work in health and social care services. Consultation on the draft principles took place between October and December 2015, and a consultation report is now available on our website (Consultation Report).

The next phase of the National Care Standards Review Development Group's work is to develop a set of general and specialist standards linked to the principles. The draft standards will be published in Autumn 2016 followed by a 12 week period of consultation and engagement.

In line with the findings of the 2014 consultation, the new standards will be developed using a human rights and wellbeing approach which recognises that people are entitled to the same high standards of care and support in a way which reflects their needs and circumstances. These standards will be used by all services regulated by the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (www.healthcareimprovementscotland.org). Further discussions will be had regarding their applicability to non-regulated services.

The final standards will be rolled out from April 2017, ahead of implementation and their use in inspections thereafter. We hope that the overarching principles published now will help services, commissioners, and scrutiny bodies, in planning and designing services. The Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland will use them now to inform our current reviews of inspection methodology.

For more information and regular bulletins about the review of the National Care Standards, please visit our website (www.newcarestandards.scot)

Rami Okasha and Sara Twaddle
National Care Standards Review Development Group