Revised scrutiny, assurance and improvement plan 2020-21
Corporate Parenting Report 2017-20
Improvement Strategy 2019-2022
Our refreshed Improvement Strategy 2019-2022 demonstrates how we have successfully strengthened our improvement support role and function across the Care Inspectorate and celebrates the difference that has been made, ultimately, to the lives of people experiencing care. It provides an insight into what our improvement support offer will be over the next three years and how we will identify where improvements are required. The strategy describes how we will build the skills, confidence and capacity for improvement support with our own staff and across the social care and early learning and childcare sectors in Scotland. It supports our new corporate plan and contributes to realising our vision and our common purpose which is world-class care.
Summary of key performance and key outcome measures
Corporate Plan 2019-2022
Our new corporate plan sets out our priorities for 2019-2022, including our aim to be an organisation that identifies, develops and shares good practice. I would like to do whatever I can to help drive more improvement and innovation in social care. Our corporate plan is based on what we have learned from our scrutiny, assurance and improvement support work over the past few years. It has been informed through wide public consultation and through collaboration with staff, providers, health and social care partnerships, local and national partners and, most importantly, by people who experience care. I am equally keen to ensure that person-led care and public involvement continues to be central to our work, by taking account of people’s stories and personal experiences.
Corporate Parenting Plan 2017-2020
Improvement Strategy 2017-19
Corporate Plan 2016-18
Our refreshed Corporate Plan 2016–18 sets out four strategic objectives with each underpinned by key priorities, which will be aligned to a revised set of key performance and quality indicators so that we can demonstrate our success. We will develop a series of monitoring measures so we can report publicly on emerging themes or trends which indicate changes to the quality of care being delivered across Scotland.
Corporate Plan 2014-2018
Publication Code: COMMS-0314-147
This corporate plan sets out six high level strategic objectives which will guide the Care Inspectorate's work through a period of unprecedented change. Each of these strategic objectives are inter-connected to achieve synergy in realising our vision of high quality, safe and compassionate care for people in Scotland. Each objective informs detailed projects and activities within our operational plan and interlink right through to an individual's workplan so that we evidence our achievements in being a high performing and transparent, learning organisation.
Care Inspectorate Corporate Plan 2011-2014 (Updated March 2013)
Publication Code: COMMS-0213-113
The Corporate Plan sets out our vision for the next three years and outlines how we will deploy its resources across 4 key areas: assurance, protection, improvement and innovation, so that people who use services and their carers experience a better quality of life as a result of excellent, accessible services that reflect their individual needs and rights.