Joint inspection of services for older people in Aberdeen

Health and social care services in Aberdeen are delivering good outcomes for many older people, but improvements are also needed in key areas.

That is the view of inspectors following a joint inspection of services for older people across the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership.

The inspection was carried out between November 2015 and February 2016 by the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

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Aseptic technique and wound care in the community workshop

NHS Education for Scotland are hosting a couple of workshops in October for health and social care staff with an interest in pressure ulcer and wound care.

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Tax-Free Childcare: what childcare providers should know

Tax-free childcare is a new government scheme to help working parents with the cost of childcare. From early 2017, parents will be able to open an online account, which they can use to pay for childcare from a registered provider.

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MHRA Alert - Insulin Pumps & GlucaGen HypoKit 1mg

Insulin Pumps

People with diabetes using the Accu-Chek Insight insulin pump system should check how they operate and wear the medical device to reduce the risk of an unwanted dose of insulin.

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Organ Donation Week

Today marks the start of Organ Donation Week 2016. People across Scotland are being urged to make it count by joining the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Organ donation saves lives. Take it from Gordon, who had a heart transplant aged just 13.

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