Joint inspection of services for older people in Glasgow

A joint inspection of services for older people in Glasgow has praised the quality of some services, but also made ten recommendations for improvement.

The joint inspection was carried out by a team of inspectors from the Care Inspectorate and Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

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Tackling Disability Hate Crime

The Tackling Disability Hate Crime Group have issued a letter to providers to highlight the work that they do and the resources available. 

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Scottish Social Services Council registration

The Care Inspectorate and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) have issued joint guidance on the legal requirement for staff to register with the SSSC within a six month period. 

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Social care regulator publishes review of its first three years

The Care Inspectorate, Scotland’s social care scrutiny and improvement body, has today published a review of the first three years of its work. 

 The organisation was set up in April 2011 and has since carried out more than 30,000 inspections of care services, complaint investigations and registrations. 

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Our new Involvement Strategy and Action Plan 2015 -18

Our new Involvement Strategy and accompanying Action Plan 2015 -18 was approved by the Board on 26 June 2015.

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