We have published the new quality framework for nurse agencies. It reflects Scotland’sHealth and Social Care Standards, which are rights-based, person-led and outcome-focused.

The primary purpose of the framework is to support services to self-evaluate their own performance.  It will also be used by our inspectors to provide independent assurance about the quality of care and support.  By setting out what we expect to see in high-quality care and support provision, it can help support improvement too. 

You can download the framework  here.

The framework will help us answer key questions about the difference that care is making to people who experience care and the quality and effectiveness of the elements that contribute to those differences.   

The framework also supports services to evaluate their own performance and we have also published a self-evaluation toolkit and guidance making it applicable across the whole framework. You can download the toolkit resources here.

We would also like to invite people working in nurse agencies to attend our upcoming webinar: Introduction to the Nurse Agencies Quality Framework and self-evaluation toolkit.  

Date: Friday 21 October 2022 

Time: 10am -12pm 

This session is intended to answer any questions following the introduction of the framework and Self-evaluation toolkit.  

We plan to discuss: 

  • Introducing the framework followed by a questions and answers (Q&A) session 

  • How the self-evaluation toolkit works, followed by a Q&A session 

If you would like to attend this useful and informative webinar, please on our website here.