The Care Inspectorate values your information and data and that of our partners. To find out how, what, why and when we process personal data please see our privacy notice.

We have also published our Information Governance Policy and our Data Protection Policy and our Records Management Plan was submitted and assessed by the Keeper of the Records for Scotland and the report is available via their website here.  

We are happy to answer your enquiries about data and information so please use the request form by clicking the request portal link below.

Information requests INFO GOV 002

 If you wish to understand a little more about the type of enquiries that can be submitted to Information Governance through this portal, please find a summary here.

This request portal is for members of the public, data subjects, public bodies including Police Scotland, SSSC, NMC Service Providers, Service users and any one else that may want to ask for, or about, our information.