Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Published: 15 April 2020

Scottish Government provides update for social care on face masks, testing and vaccination (Added 8 September 2020)

Updated Covid-19 face mask guidance for social care including adult care homes

Following a review of advice, the Scottish Government has updated its guidance on the use of face masks in social care settings including adult care homes.

The updated guidance recommends that face masks do not routinely need to be worn at all times within social care settings. Instead face masks should be for particular situations (for example following staff judgement, advice from health protection / public health or personal choice). This is because although Covid-19 continues to spread, transmission rates are lower and the virus is currently milder than at earlier stages in the pandemic resulting in a reduction in severity of illness and hospitalisation.

Full details are available online Coronavirus (Covid-19): use of face coverings in social care settings including adult care homes - ( Importantly, the fundamental principles of infection prevention and control precautions continue to be essential.

Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) Scotland and Public Health Scotland will update their associated guidance documents as soon as practically possible.  

Providers are recommended to implement the face mask guidance as soon as possible from 14 September, or earlier if they are ready to do so. The recommendations in the guidance will require discussions with staff and those receiving care and support before adoption. For some services, the changes may be able to be implemented fairly quickly while for others, it may take longer.

Scottish Government is working with Scottish Care to host a webinar regarding changes to face masks and testing within social care. This will be open to all staff within social care to ask any questions they may have about the guidance. The date will be circulated within networks once agreed.

Review of asymptomatic testing in health and social care

A review has taken place of the remaining regular asymptomatic testing in place for health and social care staff and in high-risk settings. Scottish Government will issue advice for health and social care in the week beginning 12 September. This will have updated guidance materials and an implementation date of the end of September. Until this guidance is issued, staff should continue to test as per Coronavirus (Covid-19): social care and community based testing guidance - (

Covid and flu vaccination – autumn/winter 2022

Vaccination and the protection it offers staff and those they care for and support is important.  The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has issued advice for the Winter Covid-19 and flu programme recommending those most at risk, or those who come into regular contact with those most at risk, become eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine dose to maximise their protection over winter. Where possible, this will be co-administered with the flu vaccine, which is a safe and effective way to deliver protection.

The online booking portal for frontline health and social care workers can be accessed, along with other information on the programme and eligibility, at Winter vaccines | NHS inform. The direct portal page link is Login - Customer Service (

Carers who are aged 16+ are eligible for both Covid and flu vaccination this winter. The majority will be called for vaccination later in the programme, as part of the ‘at risk’ group. At this point, appointments can be booked on the portal or through the helpline for those who don’t have digital access. The only exception is that the over 65s will shortly be sent letters with timed appointments. In those letters, it will say that unpaid carers are eligible for vaccination and give instructions on how they can book. If someone they care for gets a letter, the carer can book their appointment from that time. 

PPE for early learning and childcare services (Added 30 June 2020)

To offer a route to buying PPE for private, voluntary and independent early learning and childcare services, including childminders and out-of-school care, the Scottish Government has set up a framework agreement with third-party supplier Lyreco.

Lyreco offers a range of products to purchase, including face masks, aprons, gloves, visors, hand sanitiser, goggles and safety glasses. All products are subject to availability and prices are updated regularly on the Lyreco website.

Please note that this is a ‘pay for’ service, and the provider will be responsible for paying for any products purchased from Lyreco under this agreement.

A list of frequently asked questions can be found here.

If you wish to open an account with Lyreco, please first read the privacy notice, then complete the form, which must include your Care Inspectorate CS number and email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Once your CS number is confirmed as being a registered care service your account will be set up. This may take a few days depending on the volume of forms returned. Lyreco will then give you access to their online ordering site, where you will be able to see the full range of products available and current prices. Opening an account does not place you under any obligation to place an order.

Local authority providers should continue to access PPE through their usual routes, in most cases through Scotland Excel.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Health Protection Scotland has published revised guidance on the use of use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by health and social care workers, in the context of the current coronavirus Covid-19 emergency.

You can download the guidance here.

This guidance has been updated to reflect pandemic evolution and the changing level of risk of healthcare exposure to coronavirus Covid-19 in the UK. It is recognised that in contexts where coronavirus Covid-19 is circulating in the community at high rates, health and social care workers may be subject to repeated risk of contact and droplet transmission during their daily work. It is also understood that in routine work there may be challenges in establishing whether patients and individuals meet the case definition for Covid-19 prior to a face-to-face assessment or care episode.

This guidance is also updated to reflect the need for enhanced protection of people in vulnerable groups undergoing shielding. 

The main changes are:

  • enhanced PPE recommendations for a wide range of health and social care contexts
  • inclusion of individual and organisational risk assessment at local level to inform PPE use
  • recommendation of single sessional (extended) use of some PPE items
  • re-usable PPE can be used. Advice on suitable decontamination arrangements should be obtained from the manufacturer, supplier or local infection control
  • guidance for when case status is unknown and coronavirus is circulating at high levels
  • recommendation on patient use of facemasks.

 Safe ways for working for all health and care workers

  • Staff should be trained on putting on and taking off PPE. Videos are available online for training.
  • Staff should know what PPE they should wear for each setting and context.
  • Staff should have access to the PPE that protects them for the appropriate setting and context.
  • Gloves and aprons are subject to single use as per SICPs with disposal after each patient or resident contact.
  • Fluid repellent surgical mask and eye protection can be used for a session of work rather than a single patient or resident contact.
  • Gowns can be worn for a session of work in higher risk areas.
  • Hand hygiene should be practiced and extended to exposed forearms, after removing any element of PPE.
  • Staff should take regular breaks and rest periods.

Interim guidance on the use of face masks and face coverings (Added 24 June 2020)

The Scottish Government has released interim guidance on the wider use of face masks and face coverings in health and social care.

IRIC Alcohol-based hand rubs risk of fire (Added 1 May 2020)

The Incident Reporting & Investigation Centre has released an information message containing guidance on the risk of fire from alcohol-based hand rubs. 

You can view the information centre here.

Donations of PPE and other supplies (Added 29 April 2020)

There have been instances of well-meaning individuals approaching services with offers of a range of PPE equipment.  If you are approached, please direct them to the Scottish Government supply chain hub, which is now set up to receive donations for use in the health and social care system and ensure that any donated PPE meets quality and safety standards before it is issued.

This single point of contact is available to any business, community or voluntary organisation now wishing to make donations of PPE, scrubs, uniforms and other supplies. Donors can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guidance is also available to those offering support in this way here.

Access to PPE once all other normal routes have been exhausted (Added 24 April 2020) 

Social care providers can refer to this guide for information on how they can now access preventative Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Providers should phone the triage helpline (0300 303 3020) to access their preventative PPE kit.

Most Health & Social Care Partnerships now have local hubs in place. The Triage helpline will advise on local arrangements, and will also issue providers with their Single-use Collection Reference number.

Reccomended PPE for social care by setting (Added 24 April 2020) 

Providers can refer to this guide for guideance on appropriate use of PPE. In addition to standard infection prevention and control precautions, this guide can be reffered to.

The correct order for putting on, taking off and disposal of PPE (Added 24 April 2020) 

Providers can refer to this NHS Scotland video guide for guidance on the correct order of putting on, taking off and disposal of PPE. 

Individual’s home or usual place of residence (Added 24 April 2020) 

For provision of direct care to any member of a household where one or more is a possible or confirmed case, plastic aprons, Fluid Resistant Surgical Masks, eye protection and gloves are recommended.

For delivery of care to any individual meeting criteria for shielding (vulnerable groups) or where anyone in the household meets criteria for shielding, as a minimum, single use disposable plastic aprons, surgical mask and gloves must be worn for the protection of the patient. 

In clinical areas, communal waiting areas and during transportation, it is recommended that possible or confirmed Covid-19 cases wear a fluid-resistant (Type IIR) surgical face mask (FRSM) if this can be tolerated.

Good hand washing technique (Added 24 April 2020) 

Providers can refer to this NHS Scotland guide and video guide for guidance on good hand washing technique.

Revised PPE guidance (last updated 9 April 2020)

NHS NSS triage centre for social care (updated 24 March 2020)

NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) (NSS) has set up a helpline to deal with social care supplies during Covid-19.   

At the moment, the helpline is to be used only in cases where there is an urgent supply shortage and a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19.  This will be reviewed regularly in the coming days and weeks. 

Care service providers can reach the NHS NSS triage centre by calling 0300 303 3020.

When contacting the helpline, providers will be required to:

  • answer a series of short screening questions 
  • confirm they have fully explored business as usual procurement routes
  • confirm they have a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 and therefore have a need for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • provide their Care Inspectorate registration number.

The helpline will be open 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week.

Clarification from NSS on use of vinyl gloves (added 2020)

Dear Provider,

We recently (21 May) wrote to you in relation to the supply of gloves for social care. Please accept my apologies for any lack of clarity caused as a result of our previous communication; I hope I can remove any confusion now.

Firstly, there is no change in any PPE best practice guidance. 

NSS National Procurement has supplied nitrile medical examination gloves throughout the Covid-19 pandemic response, and recently we have also issued vinyl gloves to the social care hubs.

Best practice guidance on national infection prevention and control suggests that nitrile gloves should be used where there is a risk of exposure to blood/body fluids, or when using hypochlorite for cleaning. Vinyl gloves continue to be suitable for uses where there is no risk of such exposure.

NSS National Procurement is committed to ensuring the provision of the right PPE to our colleagues in social care, so that the right items are available to support the right task. In the short term, NSS National Procurement will only issue nitrile gloves to social care hubs. We will engage with the sector to assess the future balance of need for vinyl gloves and provide regular updates.

If your organisation requires stock of nitrile gloves before you can access them through the social care hub, please contact our contact centre on 0300 303 3020 to request additional supply and we can urgently deliver this.

Kind regards,

Gordon Beattie

Director of National Procurement

NHS National Services Scotland

Other information and links

Downloads: 39959

Covid -19 frequently asked questions

Published: 19 March 2020

As information, guidance and practice about Covid-19 is becoming established and less subject to rapid change, we are no longer maintaining the Covid-19 FAQs or the Covid-19 compendium. For key information, visit our Covid-19 information pages and the following links.

Guidance for Adult social care

Guidance for early learning, school aged childcare and childminder settings

Guidance for Children and Young People (CYP)

Other useful links for all social care settings

Downloads: 58573


Published: 26 February 2020

We regularly update the information and guidance on our Covid-19 web pages. Some of the information on these pages comes from the Care Inspectorate and some comes from other official bodies involved in pandemic response across social care. We encourage all care services to keep themselves up to date by revisiting these pages on a regular basis. We also encourage visiting other online sources of information and guidance such as the websites of Scottish Government, NHS Inform and Public Health Scotland.

Care Inspectorate guidance for services

As information, guidance and practice about Covid-19 is becoming established and less subject to rapid change, we are no longer maintaining the Covid-19 FAQs or the Covid-19 compendium. For key information, view our Covid-19 information page below and the guidance links on this page.

Archived Updates

You can find older updates on the Archived Updates page.

Care homes for older people Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) guidance: what has changed during September 2022? (Added 29 September 2022)

The changes to IPC guidance throughout September bring care services ever closer to business-as-usual for service delivery.

We recognise that there may be anxiety around implementing some of the changes. With continued application of Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs) and, where needed, Transmission Based Precautions (TBP) when caring for individuals who have suspected or known infection the risks can be managed and reduced.

The Care Inspectorate support the implementation of updated IPC guidance and will take this into account when visiting services.

You can find a summary of guidance changes and links to further information here.

Joint statement supports winter vaccination programme (Added 8 September 2022)

Scottish Care, the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland, the Care Inspectorate and the Scottish Social Services Council have issued a joint statement to support the winter vaccination programme for social care staff. You can read the statement here.

Scottish Government provides update for social care on face masks, testing and vaccination (Added 8 September 2022)

Updated Covid-19 face mask guidance for social care including adult care homes

Following a review of advice, the Scottish Government has updated its guidance on the use of face masks in social care settings including adult care homes.

The updated guidance recommends that face masks do not routinely need to be worn at all times within social care settings. Instead face masks should be for particular situations (for example following staff judgement, advice from health protection / public health or personal choice). This is because although Covid-19 continues to spread, transmission rates are lower and the virus is currently milder than at earlier stages in the pandemic resulting in a reduction in severity of illness and hospitalisation.

Full details are available online Coronavirus (Covid-19): use of face coverings in social care settings including adult care homes - ( Importantly, the fundamental principles of infection prevention and control precautions continue to be essential.

Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) Scotland and Public Health Scotland will update their associated guidance documents as soon as practically possible.  

Providers are recommended to implement the face mask guidance as soon as possible from 14 September, or earlier if they are ready to do so. The recommendations in the guidance will require discussions with staff and those receiving care and support before adoption. For some services, the changes may be able to be implemented fairly quickly while for others, it may take longer.

Scottish Government is working with Scottish Care to host a webinar regarding changes to face masks and testing within social care. This will be open to all staff within social care to ask any questions they may have about the guidance. The date will be circulated within networks once agreed.

Review of asymptomatic testing in health and social care

A review has taken place of the remaining regular asymptomatic testing in place for health and social care staff and in high-risk settings. Scottish Government will issue advice for health and social care in the week beginning 12 September. This will have updated guidance materials and an implementation date of the end of September. Until this guidance is issued, staff should continue to test as per Coronavirus (Covid-19): social care and community based testing guidance - (

Covid and flu vaccination – autumn/winter 2022

Vaccination and the protection it offers staff and those they care for and support is important.  The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has issued advice for the Winter Covid-19 and flu programme recommending those most at risk, or those who come into regular contact with those most at risk, become eligible for a Covid-19 vaccine dose to maximise their protection over winter. Where possible, this will be co-administered with the flu vaccine, which is a safe and effective way to deliver protection.

The online booking portal for frontline health and social care workers can be accessed, along with other information on the programme and eligibility, at Winter vaccines | NHS inform. The direct portal page link is Login - Customer Service (

Carers who are aged 16+ are eligible for both Covid and flu vaccination this winter. The majority will be called for vaccination later in the programme, as part of the ‘at risk’ group. At this point, appointments can be booked on the portal or through the helpline for those who don’t have digital access. The only exception is that the over 65s will shortly be sent letters with timed appointments. In those letters, it will say that unpaid carers are eligible for vaccination and give instructions on how they can book. If someone they care for gets a letter, the carer can book their appointment from that time. 

Removal of notification requirement (Added 9 June 2022)

Early in the pandemic, we introduced a notification for providers to notify us if a service was closed due to the impact of Covid-19. While services are still dealing with the effects of the pandemic including a low level of infections, there are far fewer restrictions on how we live and impacts on the operation of care services.  In recognition of this, we have decided to remove the notification ‘Change of service delivery due to Covid-19’. Therefore, there is no requirement to notify us if a service is closed for a short time due to Covid-19.

We understand there are certain circumstances when services close for a period of time and can apply to be inactive for a period of up to 12 months. You can find the details of when this can be considered and how to apply here.

New guidance materials on Open with Care: Supporting Meaningful Contact in Adult Care Homes (Added 2 June 2022)

The Scottish Government has produced new guidance materials for Open with Care - Supporting Meaningful Contact in Adult Care Homes.  

These new documents build on best practice by care homes and have been developed in consultation with a range of people including care home provider representatives, Public Health Scotland, health and social care professionals, relatives, residents and the Care Inspectorate. They have been designed to provide information for different audiences, in as relevant a way as possible.

The purpose of this suite of documents is to:

  • update the Open with Care visiting guidance
  • set out principles and expectations for supporting people living in care homes to maintain connections
  • give an overview of the measures in place to support visiting, signposting to more detailed guidance where relevant. 

The guidance principles document should be should be read in conjunction with public health and infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance from Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) Scotland (Winter Addendum) and Pubic Health Scotland guidance for care homes (see links in document).

To support communications, hard copies of the family leaflet will be issued to care homes by the end of June.

PHS Covid-19 - information and guidance for care home settings (for older adults) v.3 (Added 2 June 2022)

This guidance was updated on 31 May with one change: New staff or agency staff working in the care home: Agency staff are now advised to undertake a PCR test within the previous 7 days before starting in the care home (formerly 48 hours). Risk assessment considerations are included for care home management in situations where this may not be feasible including the use of LFD testing.

you can access the updated guidance here.

Variation changes for care homes and care at home extended to April 2023 (Added 7 April 2022)

Social care continues to face challenges as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and we continue to support the care sector by adapting what we do, when needed.

To support services to provide support to a wider group of people, there will continue to be no requirement for providers to submit a variation for any care service type where:

  • a care home for older people is caring for youngeradults or vice versa
  • care at home services care for clients with different careneeds
  • there is a change of operationalhours.

This will continue until April 2023.

In these circumstances, there is no requirement to submit a variation form. Instead, you should simply confirm in writing through eForms, using the notification ‘Changes to service delivery’.

Within the notification, you should note what the change is and confirm the service can meet people’s care and welfare needs.

The notification will not trigger an inspection but may trigger contact from the inspector to discuss the changes you have put in place.

For care homes that are supporting people on an interim basis until care at home is available in their area, there is no requirement to notify the Care Inspectorate. We will get this information from the oversight teams of homes being used in local areas. 

Coronavirus (Covid-19): adult care homes visiting guidance (Added 4 April 2022) 

The Scottish Government has updated guidance on visiting care homes during the pandemic plus tools and resources on visiting, and supporting residents in homes with Covid-19.

Clarification on asymptomatic testing for social care staff (Added 1 April 2022)

As soon as possible

The Scottish Government has advised that daily asymptomatic (work day) LFD testing will no longer be required and social care settings should revert back to their routine, baseline asymptomatic testing as soon as this is possible. This is either a weekly PCR or twice-weekly LFD (apart from adult care home staff who will continue to test with a weekly PCR and twice-weekly LFD).  

This approach to testing in social care has been informed by clinical advice and is subject to ongoing review. LFD tests are extremely effective at picking up the virus in asymptomatic individuals, specifically when they are most infectious and therefore more likely to pass it on to others. This is considered proportionate while still offering sufficient protection to those at highest risk.

From Monday 18 April 

The role of Covid-19 testing is changing from population wide testing, to targeted testing to support clinical care. The Scottish Government approach to testing in social care has been informed by clinical advice and is subject to ongoing review.

Based on this advice, regular asymptomatic testing will continue for parts of the health and care workforce. This is primarily in settings which are still considered high risk and/or where those using services are deemed to be at a higher risk of hospitalisation from Covid-19.

Testing will stop for staff groups in settings that are now deemed to be lower risk and/or in services which do not involve close personal care and contact or where clients are no longer at a higher risk of Covid-19.

For pathways/services continuing to test, we are moving away from using PCR testing (with the exception of adult care home staff) and asking staff to test twice weekly with LFD tests.

As stated, LFD tests are extremely effective at picking up the virus in asymptomatic individuals and specifically when they are most infectious and therefore more likely to pass it on to others.

Providers with excess LFD stock can pause their deliveries by calling the NSS helpline on 0800 008 6587.

For an overview of the social care asymptomatic pathways and changes in these pathways from Monday 18 April, click here.

Further information

Information is available on the NHS Inform website. The key messages for Scotland are:   

  • As part of the Scotland-wide, coordinated response to coronavirus, NHS 24 provides the most up to date information and advice here.  
  • NHS 24 has also set up a dedicated helpline for people who do not have coronavirus symptoms but are seeking information. The helpline number is 0800 028 2816 and is available Monday to Friday, 0800 to 1000, Saturday and Sunday, 0900 to 1700. 
  • People who have travelled to an affected area and have symptoms of a cough, fever or difficulty breathing should stay at home and phone their GP (family doctor), or call NHS 24 on 111 if their GP surgery is closed.
  • People with general questions are advised to visit in the first instance. This is the quickest and easiest way to get information and it also means that the 111 service is able to help those people with more immediate clinical need. NHSinform includes an interactive self-help guide where people can answer a few simple questions on line to assess whether they need to seek further help or advice by telephone.
  • There is a communications toolkit with information for health and care settings to download, share and print  – please be aware that this is updated as the situation develops so should be checked frequently. Please use the latest version in your setting and update if required. 

NHS 24 has active Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels that are the official social feeds for Coronavirus in Scotland. You can follow these from the links below. 

Health Protection Scotland has also produced information and guidance which should be useful and this is updated at regular intervals.

The Scottish Government summary of response arrangements for coronavirus in Scotland can be found here.   

Other guidance

NHS Inform has published guidance leaflets and posters in a variety of different languages and easy-read format. You can download these from their website here.   

Downloads: 318508

Early learning and childcare improvement programme

Published: 22 January 2020

Early learning and childcare expansion

From August 2020, the Scottish Government will fund 1140 hours of early learning and childcare (ELC) for all three and four year olds and eligible two year olds.

All nurseries, playgroups and childminders providing funded places will be required to meet specific criteria as part of the new National Standard, including achieving good or better Care Inspectorate quality evaluation. They will also be required to carry out continuous professional development.

Local authorities are responsible for ensuring that funded entitlement is available for all eligible children in their area. 

Care Inspectorate ELC improvement programme

The Scottish Government has funded an improvement programme, which will be delivered by the Care Inspectorate, to support early learning and childcare settings who offer funded places and are not currently meeting the quality criteria in the National Standard.

The aim of the improvement programme is to support funded settings to make the improvements they need to meet the National Standard quality criteria.  

Selected providers and staff will be invited to participate in learning events and will work with the programme to make improvements. In addition to the learning sessions, the programme will include learning networks, some individual improvement support for providers and settings and develop good practice resources.

The programme will work with local authorities to support the improvement of early learning and childcare settings within their authority area.

Further information about the early learning and childcare improvement programme will be shared when it becomes available.

Information for parents/carers

Parents or carers can enrol their children for funded early learning and childcare.

Families should visit the Parent Club website to find out how to enrol for funded early learning and childcare places in their area.

Local authorities have individual application processes and deadlines. The Parent Club website will link to your local authority for more information.

For more information you can contact the improvement team on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Related information

Early learning and childcare expansion (

Scottish Government news article 10 January 2020

Parent Club

ELC National Standard

Twitter - #ELCExpansion or #ELCImprove 

Downloads: 37767

How to use our 'Registered by' widget

Published: 14 November 2019

What is the 'Registered by' widget?

web page widget options

The widget is a logo with some coding behind it that can be displayed on any website.  Each registered care service has its own widget to connect directly to its own information pages on the Care Inspectorate website.

So, if you are a care service and you want to show your website visitors that you are registered with us, you can download the widget and display it on your website.  When your website visitors click on the widget, a new window will open that displays the Care Inspectorate information page for your service. Your own webpage will still be open.

Who can use the widget?

Anyone can use the widget, but they must abide by our terms and conditions, which are at the bottom of this page.

How do I download the widget?

Go to the information page for your service, on this website.

Screen grab widget tab

Click on the ‘Care Inspectorate Registered Widget’ tab in the menu bar on the left.

Follow the instructions.  You may need to ask your website administrator, hosting provider or website developer to help you.

screen grab widget page

Add the embed code to your website where you want it to appear.  For example, in a footer, a sidebar and so on.

The widget code will work on your website straight away.


This is a simple and straightforward piece of coding and should not cause issues.  If you do have difficulty, first contact your web administrator. If your web administrator is unable to resolve the issue, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Terms and conditions

You can use the widget:

  • in relation to any care service registered by the Care Inspectorate.

You cannot:

  • use it in any way that would deliberately mislead people
  • modify it in any way
  • use it any way that would bring the Care Inspectorate into disrepute
  • sell it or sublicence it
  • use it in any way that could intentionally damage or overburden the Care Inspectorate website
  • put anything around the widget that implies that the Care Inspectorate endorses you or your service.

Other conditions of use

The widget is designed to be used in conjunction with the Care Inspectorate website.  Accordingly, use of the widget is also governed by our website's core privacy notice.

Disclaimer of warranties

We make our best efforts to make sure the widget is always available and provides accurate information, but it is provided 'as is', with no warranties.

Limitation of liability

The Care Inspectorate disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from your use of the widget.

You understand and agree that you access and/or use the widget at your own discretion and risk, and that you will be solely responsible for any damages to your computer system or loss of data that results from accessing or using the widget.

Downloads: 31433

The Guide - resources and documents

Published: 31 July 2019

The Guide provides information for community planning partnerships (CPP) about the process for the joint inspection of services for children and young people at risk of harm.  This includes services for children under the age of 18 years, at the time of their involvement with services. It should be read in conjunction with the quality framework for children and young people in need of care and protection (QIF).

This section is the single repository for documents associated with inspection activity. This not only allows partnerships preparing for an inspection to access these documents below when they need them, but also enables others to potentially make use of them when planning their own improvement activities. If partnerships being inspected have any queries about any part of The Guide they should consult with their inspection lead, or with their link inspector if not being currently inspected.

Doc No.

icon2Document name

CI website Associate assessors
CI website Privacy notice
001 Inspection co-ordinator profile
001a Pre-inspection return guidance
001b Pre-inspection return
001c Guidance on the labelling of children’s and young people’s records to the Care Inspectorate for case record reading
002 Quality framework for children and young people in need of care and protection
003 Position statement guidance
004 Staff survey
005a Request form for management reviews during joint inspections and other strategic scrutiny
005b Addressing matters of serious concern
007 Partnership discussions schedule
009 Children and young people's survey
010 Parents and carers survey
011 Local records readers guidance
012 Children and young people’s leaflet
013 Reviewing children’s records template
014 Framework for support and post scrutiny response
015 Reviewing children’s records guidance
018 Child's network of support case discussion form
019 Post inspection questionnaire


Downloads: 30431

The Guide - key terms

Published: 31 July 2019

The Guide provides information for community planning partnerships (CPP) about the process for the joint inspection of services for children and young people at risk of harm.  This includes services for children under the age of 18 years at the point of involvement with services. It should be read in conjunction with the quality framework for children and young people in need of care and protection (QIF).

This section provides definitions of some of the key terms that may be used during the course of an inspection, or that may be included in inspection reports. If partnerships being inspected have any queries about any part of The Guide they should consult with their inspection lead, or with their link inspector if not being currently inspected.

What do we mean when we say?




Additional support needs


When we say child or young person with additional support needs, we mean that a child or young person needs additional help to benefit from school education and reach their full potential.

Defined in Additional Support for Learning (Scotland) Act 2004.


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)


Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are stressful events occuring in childhood including: 

  • domestic violence
  • parental abandonment through separation or divorce
  • a parent with a mental health condition
  • being the victim of abuse (physical, sexual and/or emotional)
  • being the victim of neglect (physical and emotional)
  • a member of the household being in prison
  • growing up in a household in which there are adults experiencing alcohol and drug use problems.

Public Health Scotland and the Scottish ACEs Hub




Advocacy is about supporting a child to express their own needs and views and to make informed decisions on matters which influence their lives. Advocates do not make choices for children – instead, they support children and young people to make their own choices. Advocacy will most often be required where a child is engaging with a service, such as health, education, police, ir social work.

Scottish Government publication Children's advocacy guidance.




When we say aftercare, we are referring to the legal term. Aftercare means the advice, guidance and assistance that local authorities provide to care leavers (who are not in continuing care) up until their 26th birthday.

Defined in Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014


Care and risk management (CARM)


Care and Risk Management (CARM) are processes which are applied when a child between the ages of 12 and 17 has been involved in behaviours which could cause serious harm to others. This includes sexual or violent behaviour which may cause serious harm. CARM processes are also applicable when an escalation of behaviours suggests that an incident of a seriously harmful nature may be imminent.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021


Care experienced


When we say care experienced, we mean a child, young person or adult who is, or who has been, looked after at some point in their childhood. We recognise that this term is not defined in law but is increasingly used in Scotland.

Our definition


Care Inspectorate

The Care Inspectorate is the national independent regulatory body for social work and social care services in Scotland. It is also known by its legal entity, Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland.

CI website


Care leaver

When we say care leaver, we are referring to the legal term. Care leaver means any young person who ceased to be looked after on, or at any time after, their 16th birthday and is no longer looked after. All looked after children may become care leavers including children looked after at home.

Defined in Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014


Champions Board


Champions Boards allow young people to have direct influence within their local area and hold their corporate parents to account. They also ensure that services are tailored and responsive to the needs of care experienced young people and are sensitive to the kinds of vulnerabilities they may have as a result of their experiences before, during and after care.

Young peoples’ views, opinions and aspirations are at the forefront in this forum and are paramount to its success. Champions Boards build the capacity of young people to influence change, empower them by showing confidence in their abilities and potential, and give them the platform to flourish and grow.

Life Changes Trust

Chief officers


When we say chief officers, we mean the chief constable and chief executives of health boards and local authorities who are responsible for ensuring that their agencies, individually and collectively, work to protect children and young people as effectively as possible.

Defined in ‘Protecting Children and Young People: Child Protection Committee and Chief Officer responsibilities 2019’.

Chief Officers Groups (COG)


The collective expression for the Local Police Commander and Chief Executives of the local authority and NHS Board in each local area. Chief Officers are individually and collectively responsible for the leadership, direction and scrutiny of their respective child protection services and their Child Protection Committees.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

NHS Scotland Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are multi-disciplinary teams that provide:

  1. assessment and treatment/interventions in the context of emotional, developmental, environmental and social factors for children and young people experiencing mental health problems, and
  2. training, consultation, advice and support to professionals working with children, young people and their families.

Scottish Government publication Child And Adolescent Mental Health Services: national service specification

Child, or children and young people

When we say child or children, we mean a person or persons up to the age of 18 (including unborn babies). We recognise that throughout Scottish legislation this term can differ, but our definition is based on Article 1 of the UNCRC. We use the term young person to mean children aged 13-17 to distinguish between this age group and younger children. 

Our definition

Childs network of support

A child’s network of support is the group of practitioners, family members and carers who are collectively responsible for giving effect to a child’s plan.

Our definition

Child’s plan

When we say child’s plan, we mean the plan for an individual child that sets out desired outcomes identified in any assessments and the actions needed to achieve these outcomes.

Defined in Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

Child protection

When we say child protection, we mean the processes involved in consideration, assessment and planning of required action, together with the actions themselves, where there are concerns that a child may be at risk of harm from abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

Child Protection Committees (CPC)

Child protection committees (CPC) are the locally-based, inter-agency strategic partnership responsible for child protection policy and practice across the public, private and Third Sectors. Working on behalf of Chief Officers, its role is to provide individual and collective leadership and direction for the management of child protection services in its area.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

Child protection register

All local authorities are responsible for maintaining a central register, known as the child protection register, for all children who are the subject of an inter-agency child protection plan. This includes unborn babies. The register has no legal status. This is an administrative system for alerting practitioners that there is sufficient professional concern about a child to warrant an inter-agency child protection plan. Local authority social work services are responsible for maintaining a register of all children in their area who are subject to a child protection plan. Some authorities may choose to maintain a joint register with other authorities.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

Children at risk of harm

When we say children at risk of harm we mean the extent to which children and young people are safer because they have received the right help at the right time to reduce risks. We will consider how the partnership has prioritised nurturing relationships to ensure children and young people experience a loving and stable home environment.

Our definition

Children’s services plan, or Children and young people's services plan (CSP)

A Children’s Service Plan is a strategic plan prepared by local authorities and relevant health boards. It sets out the provision of children’s services and related services in a local authority area.

Defined in Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014


A chronology sets out key events in sequential date order, giving a summary timeline of child and family circumstances, patterns of behaviour and trends in lifestyle that may greatly assist any assessment and analysis. They are a logical, methodical and systematic means of organising, merging and helping make sense of information. They also help to highlight gaps and omitted details that require further exploration, investigation and assessment.

Care Inspectorate Practice Guide to Chronologies 2017

Community Planning Partnership (CPP)

A community planning partnership is the local community planning forum for a local authority area. It is formed from representatives from key agencies and organisations from the public, community, voluntary and private sector. The partnership works together to plan and deliver services across the local authority area.

Our previous reports


When we say confidential, we mean that we remain vigilant about how we use sensitive or personal data in line with legislation and good practice. We will not attribute comments made during inspection to individuals in our public reporting of inspections. 

However, all members of the inspection team have a duty to pass on concerns to a relevant service if a child or adult may be at risk of harm or being unsafe.

Our definition

Education Scotland

Education Scotland is the national scrutiny body in Scotland for inspecting and supporting quality and improvement in learning and teaching.

Education Scotland website

Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC)

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) is a national policy designed to make sure that all children and young people get the help that they need when they need it.

Scottish Government Policy GIRFEC policy


Harm is the impairment of the health or development of the child, including, for example, impairment suffered as a result of seeing or hearing the ill treatment of another. Risk in this context refers to the probability of harm given the presence of adverse factors in a child’s life. There is no statutory definition or uniform defining criterion for significant harm, which refers to serious interruption, change or damage to a child’s physical, emotional, intellectual or behavioural health and development.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)

Health and Social Care Partnerships, (HSCPs) are the organisations formed as part of the integration of services provided by Health Boards and Councils in Scotland under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014. Each partnership is jointly run by the NHS and local authority. HSCPs manage community health services and create closer partnerships between health, social care and hospital-based services.

Our previous reports and NHSGGC website

Health and Social Care Standards

The Health and Social Care Standards set out what everyone should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland. They seek to provide better outcomes for everyone; to ensure that individuals are treated with respect and dignity, and that the basic human rights we are all entitled to are upheld.

Health and Social Care Standards 2018

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS)

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is the national independent scrutiny body which aims to promote better quality health and social care for everyone in Scotland.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland website

His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS)

His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) is the national independent scrutiny body which holds powers to look into the state, effectiveness and efficiency of Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority.

HMICS website

Independent advocacy

When we say independent advocacy, we mean that the person providing advocacy is not involved in providing the services to the individual, or in any decision-making processes regarding their care.

Our definition

Independent Care Review

The Independent Care Review refers to the independent review of the care system in Scotland between 2017 and 2020 which looked at the underpinning legislation, practices, cultures and ethos. The review prioritised listening and heard over 5,500 experiences.  The Care Review published seven reports in February 2020.

Our definition

Initial referral discussions, inter-agency referral discussions or initial referral tripartite discussions (IRD)

An initial referral discussion is the start of the formal process of information sharing, assessment, analysis and decision-making following reported concern about abuse or neglect of a child or young person under the age of 18 years, in relation to familial and non-familial concerns. This may include discussion of concern relating to siblings or other children within the same context, and can refer to an unborn baby that may be exposed to current or future risk.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

Integration Joint Board (IJB)

An Integration Joint Board, or IJB, plans and commissions integrated health and social care services in their areas. IJBs are local government bodies, as defined by Section 106 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. They are responsible for overseeing the local HSCP and managing social care and health services in their area.

Scottish Government publication Integration Joint Board: roles, responsibilities and membership

Integration of health and social care

Across Scotland, NHS boards and local authorities are legally required to integrate the governance, planning and resourcing of adult social care services, adult primary care and community health services and some hospital services. They also have the option to integrate children’s health and social care services as well as criminal justice services.

Defined in Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014


Joint Investigative Interviews (JII)

Joint Investigative Interviews (JII) are formal interviews of children conducted by trained police officers and social workers where there is a concern that a child is a victim of, or witness to, criminal conduct, and where there is information to suggest that the child has been or is being abused or neglected, or may be at risk of significant harm.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

Kinship care



When we say a child is in kinship care, we mean a child who lives away from their parents with an adult who has a pre-existing relationship with the child (i.e. is a family member or friend).

Defined in Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

Lead professional

When we say lead professional, we mean a staff member who is identified to take on a coordinating role where concerns about wellbeing require intervention from more than one service or agency.

Scottish Government Policy GIRFEC policy


When we say leaders, we mean chief officers and chief executives including chairs of the child protection committee, community planning partnership, integrated joint board and children's services planning group; child protection lead officer; chief social work officer; relevant heads of service in Education, Health, Police and Social Work and locality reporters’ manager; elected members and non-executive NHS board members; and any other relevant service senior leads.

Our definition

Learning Review

A Learning Review brings together agencies, individuals and families in a collective endeavour to learn from what has happened in order to improve and develop systems and practice in the future and thus better protect children and young people. The process is underpinned by the rights of children and young people as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).  

NB. Until the updated national guidance for child protection was published in 2021 the term ‘significant case review’ (see below) was more commonly used.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection Committees undertaking Learning Reviews 2021

Looked after

When we say looked after, we are referring to the legal term. A looked after child or young person must fall into one of the following categories:

  • be living at home and subject to a compulsory supervision order (looked after at home).
  • be living in kinship care, foster care or a residential setting and subject to a compulsory supervision order (looked after away from home).
  • be accommodated by a local authority by a voluntary agreement (under S.25 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995). This includes children and young people who receive a series of short-term overnight breaks only.
  • be subject to permanence orders granted by a court.
  • be subject to an order, authorisation or warrant made by the relevant authorities under chapters 2, 3 or 4 of Part II of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995.

Section 17 (6) Children Act (Scotland) 1995

Multi agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)

MARACs are regular, local meetings where information about domestic abuse victims at risk of the most serious levels of harm (including murder) is shared between representatives from a range of local agencies to inform a co-ordinated action plan to increase the safety of the victim and their children.

Scottish Government publication Improving Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and interventions for victims of domestic abuse

Named person

Named persons are a  core component of the GIRFEC approach, and are a professional point of contact within universal services, if a child, young person or their parents need information, advice or help. Local arrangements and the term used to describe this role or function may vary from area to area.

Defined in National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021

Parent / carer

Whilst we recognise that the terms ‘parent’, ‘carer’ and ‘relevant person’ are all defined in legislation, when we say parent or carer, we mean this in a broader way to describe someone who takes on a parenting role.

Our definition

Participation and engagement

When we say participation and/or engagement we mean the act of ensuring the right of a child or young person to take part, and be involved actively and meaningfully throughout the processes of assessment, decision-making, actions and interventions which relate to them and which lead to tangible outcomes and improvements in their lives.

Our definition


When we say partnerships, we mean groups of services and organisations who have joint responsibilities for improving services for children and young people in need of care and protection.

See also our definition of community planning partnerships above.

Our definition

The Promise

The Promise is the main report of Scotland’s independent care review published in 2020. It reflects the views of over 5,500 care experienced children and adults, families and the paid and unpaid workforce. It described what Scotland must do to make sure that its most vulnerable children feel loved and have the childhood they deserve.


Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA)

The Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration is a national body which focuses on children most at risk. Its role is to decide when a child needs to go to a Children’s Hearing, help children and families to take part in hearings and provide accommodation for hearings.

SCRA website

Scrutiny partners

When we say scrutiny partners, we mean the scrutiny bodies that take part in joint inspections. This includes the Care Inspectorate, Education Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, and His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary for Scotland.

Our definition


When we say self-evaluation, we mean services taking a close look at what they have done and evaluating themselves and their progress against a prescribed set of standards. It is important because it helps services to see clearly what they are doing well and where they need to make improvements.

Our definition


When we say staff, we mean people who are employed or volunteer to work directly or indirectly with children, young people and their families.

Our definition

Strategic Needs Assessment

A joint strategic needs assessment is a shared approach to assessing the needs of children and young people, with systems and processes in place to gather and analyse relevant quantitative and qualitative information, providing indicators of current and future need across different localities, ages and groups (e.g. looked after children).

Scottish Government publication Statutory Guidance on children services planning

Team around the child

A Team around the child is a single multi-agency planning process around the child’s plan with involving those practitioners who support the child and family, and are likely to be participants at a child’s plan meeting.

Our definition

Third sector

Third sector includes voluntary and community organisations including both registered charities and other organisations such as associations, self-help groups and community groups, social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives.

Our definition

Trauma informed practice

When we say trauma informed practice we mean a strengths-based framework in children’s services grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma, that emphasises physical, psychological, and emotional safety for everyone, and that creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and empowerment.

Our definition

Trauma-informed workforce

The Scottish Government ambition is for a trauma informed and trauma responsive workforce across Scotland, ensuring that services and care are delivered in ways that prevent further harm or re-traumatisation for children, young people or adults affected by psychological trauma, and supports their own unique journey of recovery.

Scottish Government publication Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Trauma

Vulnerable young people's processes

When we say vulnerable young people’s processes, we mean processes that are designed primarily to support young people by working effectively to promote, support and safeguard the well-being of young people and vulnerable adults. This is relevant for those working in situations where concerns about the wellbeing of young people particularly those working with young people transitioning between child and adult services. The vulnerabilities can be because of the young person’s own behaviours or that of others towards them placing them at risk of significant harm.

Our definition


Section 96(2) of the 2014 Act describes wellbeing in terms of eight indicators. A person assessing a child or young person's wellbeing is to do so by reference to the extent to which the child or young person is or, as the case may be, would be:

  • Safe: protected from abuse, neglect or harm.
  • Healthy: having the best possible standards of physical and mental health, supported to make healthy and safe choices.
  • Achieving: accomplishing goals and boosting skills, confidence and self-esteem.
  • Nurtured: having a nurturing and stimulating place to live and grow.
  • Active: having opportunities to take part in activities.
  • Respected: being given a voice, being listened to, and being involved in the decisions which affect their wellbeing.
  • Responsible: taking an active role within their home, school and community.
  • Included: being a full member of the communities in which they live and learn, receiving help and guidance to overcome inequalities.

These eight wellbeing indicators are sometimes known collectively by the acronym ' SHANARRI'. While each indicator is separately defined, in practice they are connected and overlapping. Taken together the eight indicators offer a holistic view of each child or young person, identifying strengths as well as barriers to growth and development.

Defined in Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

Young inspection volunteers

When we say young inspection volunteers, we mean young people (aged 18 - 26) with experience of care services who are specifically trained to support the Care Inspectorate with our inspections. They are part of the inspection team.

Our definition


Downloads: 39109

The Guide - introduction

Published: 05 July 2019

A. Background

The Guide is aimed at community planning partners (CPP) and staff participating in joint inspections.  It is complementary to a quality framework for children and young people in need of care and protection (QIF) which supports joint self-evaluation and continuous improvement.

Joint inspections include representatives from Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), Education Scotland (ES) and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS), as well as young inspection volunteers.  They take account of the full range of work within a CPP area including services provided by social workers, health visitors, police officers, teachers and the third sector.

Whilst details of the approach to each joint inspection may vary in response to local circumstances, the core elements of the process remain consistent and comparable.

Embedded in our approach is a strong emphasis on listening to, and taking account of, the views of children and young people as well as their parents and carers.  The young inspection volunteers, who have relevant experience of services and are trained and supported to be members of joint inspection teams, play a key role in this.  These inspections provide public assurance on the quality and effectiveness of services for children and young people and seek to assist partnerships in continuous improvement.

The methodology for joint inspections, as well as our quality framework, is informed by the European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model. It looks at:

  • key outcomes
  • stakeholder’s needs
  • delivery of services
  • management
  • leadership
  • capacity for improvement.

Our quality framework outlined in the diagram below contains 22 quality indicators.


B. Joint inspection focus

Since July 2021, the remit of the joint inspections is to consider the effectiveness of services for children and young people at risk of harm.  The inspections take account of the difference community planning partnerships are making to the lives of children and young people at risk of harm.

Looking ahead to the implementation of The Promise and the changes that will be required in both practice and scrutiny, the intention of these inspections is to achieve assurance about how children and young people at risk of harm are being kept safe.  We are keen to establish how well protection processes to identify, assess and plan for the management of risk are enabling children and young people to experience sustained loving and nurturing relationships, to keep them safe from further harm and promote their wellbeing.

Evidence gathered under the quality indicators of our quality framework for children and young people in need of care and protection (QIF) will enable inspectors to address the four following aims:

  • Children and young people are safer because risks have been identified early and responded to effectively.
  • Children and young people’s lives improve with high quality planning and support, ensuring they experience sustained loving and nurturing relationships to keep them safe from further harm.  
  • Children, young people, and families are meaningfully and appropriately involved in decisions about their lives. They influence service planning, delivery and improvement.
  • Collaborative strategic leadership, planning and operational management ensure high standards of service delivery.

These will, in turn, form the basis of the published report, which will include key messages, strengths and areas for development for the partnership.

In addition, we will evaluate Indicator 2.1 (Impact on children and young people) using the six point scale.

C. Joint inspection process

Our inspection activity is divided into two phases, followed by a reporting phase. 

Key inspection tasks include: 

  • A review of children’s records 
  • A staff survey 
  • Children, young people and parent/kinship carer surveys 
  • Review of position statement and written evidence 
  • Focus groups for staff 
  • Meetings with children, young people and families 
  • Three meetings with service leaders (partnership discussions) 

We then publish a report on our website and produce a video report. 

For more information refer to resources and documents section. 

Our joint inspections last for around 25 weeks from the point of notification to publication.  The actual timespan may be longer if the period of the inspection includes school or public holidays.  

There are two phases to the inspection, followed by a reporting phase, outlined in the chart below. 

Phases of joint inspections

D. Children and young people’s participation and involvement

During the inspection it is important that we hear as much as possible from children and young people using services.  Consequently, we have developed our methodology to enable their views to be prominent.  We have produced a survey specifically to hear feedback from children and young people, as well as a separate survey for parents and carers.

We want to hear about how children and young people are involved in all the stages of protection process and the impact that this has had.  We are interested to see how children and young people are enabled to take part in discussions about service delivery and improvement and how partners respond to their views.  We want to know about information sharing and complaints processes and will be seeking assurance that these are accessible and actively promoted.  We will be looking at how partners comply with the broader remit of the UNCRC and their response to children’s rights issues.

We will work closely with trained young inspection volunteers who themselves have had experience of services for children and young people.  They will lead much of our direct contact with children and young people during the inspection.

We are particularly keen to hear the views of children and young people about:

  • Their personal well-being and outcomes.  Perceived well-being is increasingly viewed as the most important element of feedback from service users and can be used for: identifying the needs of groups; evaluating the impact of a specific intervention; or obtaining a snapshot of needs and strengths in communities.
  • The staff working with them and their families.  We know the importance of children and young people being enabled to experience sincere human contact and enduring relationships. We will therefore explore the extent to which they have confidence in the people who support and care for them.
  • Their experiences of the processes that they have encountered – assessment, planning, intervention, review.  We are interested in the experience that children and young people have of the processes which are designed to recognise and respond to child protection concerns and keep them safe and well.
  • How well services have involved them.  We are not only interested in the headline care standard “I am involved in all decisions about my care and support”, but also in the ways that services are involving children and young people in reviewing and improving the work that they do.  We want to know how services have sought their views and hear how these views have been used to make changes as necessary.


Downloads: 25206

The Guide

Published: 05 July 2019

The Guide provides information for community planning partnerships (CPP) about the process for the joint inspection of services for children and young people at risk of harm.  This includes services for children under the age of 18 years at the point of involvement with services. It should be read in conjunction with the quality framework for children and young people in need of care and protection (QIF).

The Guide contains a number of hyperlinks. These may be to references within the guide itself or to external sources. If partnerships being inspected have any queries about any part of The Guide they should consult with their inspection lead, or with their link inspector if not being currently inspected.

Downloads: 16592

Care surveys: How good is your care?

Published: 08 May 2019

We are developing care surveys that reflect the Health and Social Care Standards. These will replace the old care standards questionnaires (CSQs) and link to our quality frameworks for care services.

We want to include the views of people who experience care, as well as their relatives, friends and carers in our scrutiny and improvement work and these will surveys help us do that.

They have a stronger emphasis on hearing about people’s experiences and outcomes and we hope this will enable more people to tell us about their care. We want people to be able to engage much more meaningfully with our inspections, in the way that suits them best. We designed these surveys to support this in a flexible way. 

Online surveys (Microsoft Forms)

Throughout the year, we will send electronic survey links directly to managers of care services. We ask that these links are sent to the relevant key people within your service who use and support you to deliver care. We anticipate this will be an annual request. 

There are four different electronic surveys:

  • people who experience care
  • service staff
  • relatives and carers
  • and, where appropriate, external professionals such as district nurses and G.P.s.

We appreciate some people, especially those experiencing care and some relatives and carers, may need support to provide their feedback and we appreciate any support you can provide to enable them to participate. Advocacy services in your local area may be able to support this. 

Please email these survey links to the appropriate groups of people. If your staff are supporting people to complete the surveys, then please give them the most appropriate link for the person giving the feedback.

People who experience care

People who experience care can complete the survey by:  

  • completing the form that will be issued to the service and then returning this in the freepost envelope provided.
  • completing the survey online.

We have also produced sentiment and response cards to support people in care homes to complete the survey. The images on the sentiment cards mirror the first section and the response cards help people to be clearer in their answers to the questions in the survey.

People can choose to do as much of the survey as they are able to. Some people may wish to focus on the first page with images that describe how they feel, and others may be happy to complete the whole survey.

How all services will receive batch surveys

We will send a batch of care surveys and freepost envelopes.  

For care homes, there will also be a set of sentiment and response cards sent to your service with the first batch of surveys.  

Downloadable version  

Services can also download a copy of the survey from the links below. Please make sure you quote the services registration number (CS number) and name of service on the front page of the document so we can send this to the correct inspector. The CS number will be on the services registration certificate which is displayed in the service. 

Once completed please return these to:

                Care Inspectorate
                Compass House
                11 Riverside Drive
                DD1 4NY

If you need the survey in an alternative format, such as a different language or easy read, please give us a call on 0345 600 9527 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Downloads: 49761
