Nominate a hero

The Annie Dow Heroism Award (TADHA) has extended its deadline until 31 January in order to honour as many heroes with additional support needs as possible. 

Find out more about this award and how to nominate someone here.

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Greater Glasgow and Clyde Bowel and Bladder training dates for 2015

Greater Glasgow and Clyde Supporting Pelvic Health through Empowerment, Rehabilitation and Education (S.P.H.E.R.E ) Bladder & Bowel Service are offering all care home staff who work across Greater Glasgow and Clyde the opportunity to undertake level 1 and/or level 2 continence promotion training.

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Complaints procedure consultation

We are changing our procedures for handling complaints about registered care services and we want to hear your views. We have launched this consultation to make sure the procedure is fully understood and easy to access and use.

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Scrutiny and improvement activity 2015/16 - Learning Disability services

In order to support excellent practice in services for individuals with a learning disability, the Care Inspectorate will further develop its approach to how it delivers scrutiny and improvement work in services providing support to adults with a learning disability during 2015/16.  

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