Hand Dermatitis – new resources and workshops coming soon

Hand dermatitis (also known as hand eczema) is a common condition affecting up to 10% of the population and some occupations including working in health care make us more vulnerable to dermatitis.

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Insulin Pumps

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is asking people with a particular insulin pump to check the clock resets to the correct time and date when they change the battery or when the power is interrupted.

For more information see here 

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Complaints consultation

The Care Inspectorate is considering changes to the way it handles complaints about care.

Scotland’s social care scrutiny and improvement body inspects and regulates more than 14,000 care services across Scotland, and last year it investigated more than 3,788 concerns about care, with 1,129 complaints upheld.

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Report on services for older people in Fife published

A joint inspection of services for older people in Fife has highlighted areas of good performance and made recommendations where further improvements can be made.

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Dementia events

We are holding our final Shifting Landscapes of Dementia Care event in Inverness. 

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