St. Andrews Care Home, Stirches, Hawick
A care home for older people in Hawick has been told it must make urgent improvements in the care provided to vulnerable residents.
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Shaping Health and Social Care for Scotland’s Future
A consultation has been launched on the draft human rights and wellbeing principles that underpin the development of new National Care Standards for health and social care services in Scotland.
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Validation Inspections (2015/16): Proportionality in highly performing services
The Care Inspectorate is currently reviewing its methodology ahead of the development and introduction of new national care standards. Part of this approach involves testing out new types of inspection more closely tailored to the type of service being inspected.
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Seasonal Flu
The flu programme will protect more people than ever before from flu. Visit or call the NHS inform helpline on 0800 22 44 88 for more information.
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