Significant progress has been made by services in the Western Isles in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, supported and respected.

A review was carried out by the Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland, following a previous joint inspection of adult support and protection conducted in 2023.

Inspectors found that the strategic leadership had demonstrated a strong commitment to continuous learning and improvement. In addition, improved and strengthened governance and operational oversight resulted in more robust and effective decision making in adult support and protection.

Strategic leaders enhanced adult support and protection by investing in resources, conducting a multi-agency audit, and implementing new procedures, guidance, and a recording system. This led to improved quality, accurate data collection, and increased work competence.

The partnership effectively addressed key priority areas for improvement. Significant practice changes were implemented and embedded, leading to improvements in both the quality and consistency of all key processes.

Staff at all levels collaborated to achieve improvements. They consulted and involved adults with lived experience and their carers in the adult support and protection process, ensuring better safety, protection, and support for adults at risk of harm.

Some improvements were still required in the quality of recording in chronologies to enhance analysis and better reflect the impact on adults at risk of harm.

The partnership is committed to continuing efforts to integrate the perspectives of carers and adults with lived experience into strategic planning and development.

Jackie Irvine, Chief Executive of the Care Inspectorate, said: “The Western Isles partnership is to be commended for the significant progress they have made in very challenging times. Despite a critical cyber-attack, increased activity, and limited staffing resources the partnership improved quality and consistency of all key processes as identified in the 2023 inspection.

“The partnership should continue its progress by utilising the quality improvement framework for adult support and protection to guide future self-evaluation and improvement. The Care Inspectorate will continue to engage with the partnership and facilitate the planned development opportunities.”

The full report can be read here.