The Care Inspectorate and the SCMA have issued a joint statement:
Following the UK Government announcements last week regarding some relaxations to lockdown restrictions in England (including in relation to childminding settings in England), we thought that we should clarify that the official position has not changed in Scotland. We would stress that –
- Current guidance on the closure of daycare services for children and childminding services in light of the Covid-19 restrictions published by the Scottish Government that took effect on 30 March 2020 remains in place. This advises that childminding settings can only be open to provide childcare for key workers and vulnerable children and that they cannot provide this childcare for more than two families (excluding their own families) at any one time
- Childminders are reminded that providing childcare for any other families at this time would be contrary to the restrictions which have been put in place to reduce the impact of the virus, keep children and families safe, and save lives. It is also the expectation of the Care Inspectorate that childminders should follow national guidance during this pandemic
- We are aware that childminders are continuing to receive increasing approaches from parents/carers as some employers return to work. However, until such time as the position in Scotland changes all childminders should comply with the national guidance.