In light of the current outbreak of coronavirus Covid-19, we have revised our notifications guidance with immediate effect and until further notice. Every registered service with the Care Inspectorate must complete a notification of ‘Outbreak of Infectious Disease’ via their eForms account.
- Providers must notify the Care Inspectorate within 24 hours of any suspected or known case or outbreak of coronavirus Covid-19.
We do not require to be notified if carers or family members of people you provide care for are in self-isolation. In the case of day care of children services or childminders, we do not require to be notified if children are at home as a precaution, following self-isolation guidance.
We do require that you notify us of any of the following situations that include people who use care services, all staff and any volunteers, visiting professionals, visitors or visiting contractors or suppliers that people within the service have had contact with. Within 24 hours providers must notify us of the following:
- any confirmed cases of coronavirus Covid-19
- cases where people have been tested and are awaiting the results
- cases where people have been informed they will be tested
- cases where staff are self-isolating
- cases where people receiving care are self-isolating
- childminding services where either the childminder or their family members are self-isolating and the service is not operational.
You should inform your health and social care partnership or local authority.
You can download our revised guidance below:
- records that all registered care services (except childminding) must keep and guidance on notification reporting
- records childminding services must keep and notification reporting guidance