Today marks the start of Organ Donation Week 2016. People across Scotland are being urged to make it count by joining the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Organ donation saves lives. Take it from Gordon, who had a heart transplant aged just 13.

With figures highlighting that one person every day in the UK dies waiting on an organ transplant, the need for more donors is clear.

Currently 43% of Scots are on the Register, but with 540 people in Scotland still waiting, the more people that join, the more lives can be saved. 

Organ Donation Week provides an opportunity for the organ donation and transplant community to promote organ donation nationally and locally, whilst highlighting the importance of organ donation and celebrating those who have saved lives.

You can join the NHS Organ Donor Register at

You can also get involved by sharing information posted on Twitter and Facebook using the #WeNeedEverybody tag.

Watch this short introductoryvideo about organ donation to find out more.