A joint approach to the inspection of adult services is being undertaken by Healthcare Improvement Scotland in conjunction with the Care Inspectorate to examine the effectiveness of collaborative working, primarily between health, social work and social care services for adults.
The model and methodology for scrutiny and improvement considers how well health and social systems work together to deliver the best outcomes for adults and older people by providing support that allows individuals to live in the community at home or in a homely setting. The aim is to build on the previous experience of multi-agency inspections and the proposals for the integration of health and social care systems.
Draft quality indicators and quality illustrations which support the methodology have been developed and are now out for consultation until 11 November 2013. We would welcome your views.
You can download the documents below and email this feedback form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alternatively you can attend one of our stakeholder events:
• 30 September 2013 Station Hotel, Perth
• 7 October 2013 Mercure Hotel, Glasgow
• 28 October 2013 King James Thistle Hotel, Edinburgh
Booking form
If you would like to find out more about our consultation events, please contact Morag Kasmi, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.