Norovirus outbreaks arise at any time of the year but are much more frequent in winter months, hence the commonly used name 'winter vomiting bug'. As the season usually starts from mid-late October onwards, Health Protection Scotland has issued a reminder 'About a month to go'.
Health Protection Scotland has published guidance with general information, infection prevention and control precautions to prepare for and manage norovirus in care homes ("General information and infection prevention and control precautions to prepare for and manage norovirus in care homes" HPS 2011)
You can access it on their website>eweekly report>Norovirus - about a month to go
or read the following guidance:
Although it was written for care home settings it can be used in other non-hospital settings where care accommodation services are provided.
Advice to care home settings is:
- Follow the guidance entitled "General information and infection prevention and control precautions to prepare for and manage norovirus in care homes" 2011.
- Make sure that you are prepared for norovirus season (Section 1.8 in the guidance).
- Implement control measures as soon as possible to reduce potential spread. Remember to keep service users and their family/friends informed. Make sure everyone knows where to wash their hands on entering and leaving the care home.
- Notify the local Health Protection Team (Public Health) and the Care Inspectorate immediately.
- Keep a note of what worked well and what could have been done better so that lessons can be learnt and feedback can be given to all concerned.
Norovirus season is fast approaching so don't wait until you have an outbreak prepare now! Prompt action can reduce potential spread to other service users, visitors and staff.
Please remember that this virus can affect children and staff in childcare settings too.