Wednesday 27 January 10.00am – 3pm, Edinburgh

Keynote Speaker – Tim Gill (Co-author of Managing Risk in Play Provision)
with contributions from the Care Inspectorate, SOSCN, Play Scotland and others

Children and young people enjoy and benefit from challenging, adventurous play opportunities where they can test themselves and extend their abilities. Risk management in play contexts is different from workplace or factory contexts in one crucial respect - in play provision, a degree of risk is often beneficial, if not essential. Giving children the chance to encounter hazards and take risks provides other benefits, such as the chance to learn how to assess and manage these and similar risks for themselves. Hence accidents and injuries are not necessarily a sign of problems, because of the value of such experiences in children’s learning.

Risk and challenge in regulated settings can be even more challenging as there are a variety of standards to adhere to.  Play Scotland are pleased to welcome the statement on play and risk from the Care Inspectorate, which will be launched at this seminar.  The Care Inspectorate speakers will highlight how outcomes for children are being improved by moving from a risk averse to a risk benefit approach to play in registered services.
This seminar will be of interest to Health and Safety Officers, Local Authority Early Years Managers,

Managers of Regulated Services, and others whose position impacts on the play opportunities of children and young people.
The cost of the event will be £50 per delegate and if you would like to book please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   This includes lunch, refreshments and a delegate pack.