Our new Involvement Strategy and accompanying Action Plan 2015 -18 was approved by the Board on 26 June 2015.
To ensure we continue to develop and grow our involvement activities in the next three years, it is important that our new involvement strategy and action plan is ambitious and focused with clear outcomes for success. It demonstrates our commitment to involving people who use care services and carers by setting six clear outcomes as measurements for success. The action plan outlines our intentions to build upon, strengthen and improve our previous involvement activity in this area. We have called our new strategy, “Working Together, Improving Together” as this is exactly the approach we intend to take in building and improving upon the work carried out in the past.
The strategy is crucial in setting the scene for a culture of involvement in the organisation and continues our commitment to the Charter for Involvement It is our ambition that involvement is embedded in our organisational culture and core business in every level of the organisation. This will make us more efficient and able in responding to the changes in service provision and scrutiny approaches and assist the smooth integration of health and social care services.
To allow us to embed a culture of involvement in our organisation, the action plan highlights key areas of work where introducing processes for involvement will be significant. For example, we will develop ways in which our involved people can influence and work with colleagues in our complaints and registration teams.
This version of the strategy is a high level document and as a result of our consultations, we are working on an accessible and colourful leaflet outlining the key points of the strategy and action plan for anyone who is interested in this work.
If you have any questions about the new strategy and action plan or any ideas / suggestions about how to improve involvement in the Care Inspectorate, please contact Charlene Guild, Senior Involvement & Equalities Adviser on 01382 207304.
You can download a copy of our strategy here