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The Care Inspectorate has, since 1 April of this year, taken on the national role of reviewing and evaluating all Significant Case Reviews.
The existing Care Inspectorate office in Galashiels will formally close on 21 September and staff/operations will relocate to new shared premises in Selkirk.
During the 2011/12 influenza season the Care Inspectorate was aware of two care home services where some residents were given influenza vaccine twice.
During the 2011/12 influenza season the Care Inspectorate was aware of two care home services where some residents were given influenza vaccine twice. There were reports that some care home
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulator Agency (MHRA) has received a single report of a blister of correctly labelled Hypurin Porcine Neutral Insulin 100 IU/ml cartridges being
There was a page missing from the referenced guidance which was posted on our site on 29 August 2012. This has now been corrected and there is a new version available with page 14 headed
The HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council) is seeking the views of stakeholders on a proposal to amend their standards of education and training and supporting guidance to require the
The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Nicola Sturgeon, today announced the appointment of Ian Doig as a new member of the Care Inspectorate’s Board.
Your Call (a freephone telephone counselling service for disabled people in Scotland) is now offering an e-mail counselling service.
The Scottish Childminding Association has announced that their bid for expanding the Community Childminding Service to help more vulnerable children and families has been accepted by the Early
The Scottish Social Services Council are consulting on the proposed changes to the Register for social service workers in function related roles.
The Earlier the Better - Improving children’s lifechances through early intervention.
The following MHRA Alert has been issued:
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